
MediaInfoWDX – Total Commander content plugin.  It calls MediaInfo.dll’s functions to get file information.  For information about MediaInfo, please go to

To download the plugin, please go to


How to add extra file format?

Go to [ContentPlugins] section of wincmd.ini and look for these two lines

1_detect=EXT="AVI"|EXT="AU"|EXT="MKV"|EXT="MP4"|EXT="Your file extension here"

Look for the line # of MediaInfoWDX.wdx, Mine start with 1, then look for the line start with 1_detect. The number must be matched; and they may not be next to each other.
Make sure it contains EXT=”The file extension that you want” in the 2nd line that start with 1_detect

111 Responses to MediaInfoWDX

  1. Joe says:

    Thank you very much for the MediaInfo plugin for Total Commander — it meets a very real need.
    A request: can you add Audio Track Number in a later version.

  2. beb says:

    Thanks for the plug-in!

    Just a single question by the time, and it`s about you plugin for TC x64:
    From ReadMe: “For x64 system, rename MediaInfo.Dll to MediaInfoX64.Dll”

    Can you change this from “MediaInfoX64.Dll” for “MediaInfo64.Dll” or for dual choise “MediaInfoX64.Dll or MediaInfo64.Dll”?

    Thank you in advance!

  3. Pasha says:

    Your plugin does not work in totalcmd shows only zeros.

    • chaoliu12 says:

      Would you give more information? For examples
      1. First time installation or upgrade
      2. Have you modified Fields.txt
      3. Media file in which drive, C:\, D:\ …
      4. 32bit or 64bit TotalCMD
      5. Do you include MediaInfo.dll or MediaInfo64.dll in plugin folder
      6. Did you try MediaInfoWDX build with static MFC
      a lot of questions, 🙂 Thank you.

  4. beb says:

    Alas, the same thing with updated version of your plugin.
    app: Total Commander from 8.51 beta 5 x64/x86 to current RC3 x64/x86
    dll: MediaInfo.dll from 0.7.67 x64/x86 to current 0.7.68 x64/x86
    OS: Win8 x64 / Win7 x64

    1. both way
    2. both, with original and with modified
    3. d:, e:
    4. both 32/64bit
    5. yes, surely
    6. both with the same negative result

    * tested for fields
    * mediainfo.wdx and TCMediaInfo.wdx plugins, those are similar to your MediaInfoWDX.wdx, do the same functions properly

  5. chaoliu12 says:

    I just found the issue. It’s causeed by MediaInfo.dll. The one I have is v0.7.60. It’s working fine, but after I upgraded it to v0.7.68, then it output all zeros for most fields.

  6. Pasha says:

    Thanks. Whether support of v0.7.68 and the subsequent will be executed?

  7. chaoliu12 says:

    Just update Fields.txt to support new version of MediaInfo.Dll
    Fields.v7.60.txt for version 0.7.60
    Fields.v7.68.txt for version 0.7.68

  8. Pasha says:

    Please upgrade to Fields.v7.70.txt

  9. salih says:

    Thanks for the plug-in

    We can’t see the mxf files information. Is there a way to see them with editing Fields.txt?

    • chaoliu12 says:

      1. I check the official MediaInfo website. It states that it supports mxf files. So, my plugin should work with it. I don’t have mxf files for testing.
      2. If you are able to use my plugin to see the info of other media files, that means Fields.txt is good. Then, you need to change wincmd.ini to make plugin to load for mxf file.
      go to [ContentPlugins] section of wincmd.ini and look for these two line
      look for the line # of MediaInfoWDX.wdx, Mine start with 1, then look for the line start with 1_detect. Those number must be matched; and they may not be next to each other.
      Add |EXT=”MXF” to end of 2nd line that start with 1_detect

      • salih says:

        Thank you very much, this works!

      • IP IT says:

        Thanks for the plugin and for this comment. It works perfectly!!!
        Actually, i had problem with FLV files… They were working fine with Mediainfo itself, but trough plugin not. Adding |EXT=”FLV” in mentioned line solved the problem.
        It works fine even if detect has value 0.
        Just one note about ini file location… I have found it in:
        OS tested: Win7 64bit and Win Server 2008 R2 Standard

  10. Pasha says:

    Please upgrade to Fields.v7.72.txt

  11. Starina says:

    Thanks for the plug-in.

    Please upgrade to Fields.v7.72.txt.

    How can I fix this file?

    • chaoliu12 says:

      Please go to and download the new version. If you want to fix the Field.txt, you just need to open it with Excel, and update the info_text column, to match the info from MediaInfo.dll document. Download the 7z file, both 32bit and 64bit will work. Get all files in this folder (MediaInfo_DLL_0.7.72_Windows_x64_WithoutInstaller.7z)\Developers\List_Of_Parameters\. The row number will be the code number of info_text column. Using field code will be faster than using field name.

  12. Starina says:

    Version 1.01 dont work on Windows XP. MS*120D.DLL not found. GetDurationFormatEx function not found in Kernel32.dll.

  13. Hey.. you are using msvcp120d.dll and msvcr120d.dll, Those files are debug version of C runtime and no redistribution is allowed.

    Those files only come with VisualStudio.. If you had compiled without debuging it would be easier to find the needed dlls, since msvcp120.dll and msvcr120.dll (no-debug version) are part of the VC++ 2013 run time redistributable package.

  14. susi says:

    hi, i got problem with the current “MediaInfoWDX build with static MFC” built and the newest MediaInfo from website, many collumns shows me zeros like somebody wrote here in this discussion. can you tell me which version of this total commander plugin and mediainfo dll seems verified to be ok together? i miss this function, i use it frequently in TC. thank you.

  15. chaoliu12 says:

    Make another update, please re-download it. I also complied it with static MFC, so no need to download the extra dll. Please let me know if still any problem. Thanks.

    • susi says:

      fantastic job, man. works like a charm now. thanks! 😉

    • susi says:

      well… i don’t know what’s going on, but this functions seems to be completely unpredictable. i use 64bit version of totalcmd. i load the commander, trying to view the collumns for some audio files, everything is ok. then quit the whole application, load again and this plugin’s respond is “unable to load…” and zeros in collumns. i quit the commander, load again, trying to load the collumns on audio files, not working. so quit and load again, trying to view info for some video files, and this time it’s working and for audio as well. hard to say where the problem is…

    • susi says:

      seems like when i first try to load info for video files after a fresh start of application, it’s working. when i try to view some info for audio files on a fresh load, not working. but after a viewing info for video files first, info for audio is working then as well… strange, really strange.

      • chaoliu12 says:

        Thank you for info, will look into it.
        Would you check the time of the wdx, February ‎21, ‎2015, ‏‎10:21:22 PM
        ‎wdx64, February ‎21, ‎2015, ‏‎10:21:16 PM
        US Eastern time
        If not the same, please re-download it.

    • susi says:

      i checked it, the time you mentioned is correct for both of these files. i also see in this plugin that there’s no info to display stereo mode: stereo, joint, dual… i decided to combine this plugin with wdxtaglib and for video and audio it seems to be working properly now.

      • chaoliu12 says:

        1. Mediainfo has a lot of fieds, I just not enable them all at Fields.txt for better management. The first column controls it. If it is 0 then it’s disable, otherwise, enable.
        2. I also fixed the loading issue, that Total Commander is resetting the Dll search path at startup, which cause unable to load custom dll, such as custom column set as default. Please re-download the updated version. Thanks.

      • susi says:

        thank you! that weird behavior of plugin loading error seems to be gone now… also thanks for your tip to enable other mediainfo fields. i’ve made some adjustments by myself…

  16. Oleg says:

    still not working. where get previous one?

  17. Vico says:

    The static download link is missing ;_;

  18. chaoliu12 says:

    Thank you everyone using my plugin. I just make another bug fixed, version v1.06. Please download and test it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  19. Micheal Liu says:

    lots fields are missing, “Width_Video” for example

  20. Anton R says:

    I just downloaded
    there is no Fields.v7.72 (((( when can i expect it?

  21. Alex says:

    Hello, thanks for X64 version! But can you add more codepages, for example Cyrillic? Plugin don’t understand cyrillic titles in some russian songs.

  22. Joseph Lo says:

    Hi there. I have downloaded and installed MediaInfoWDX and rename Mediainfo.dll to MediaInfoX64.dll on my 64 bit system. I am using Mediainfo v0.7.68.

    But for whatever reasons, when I press F3 on any video files, I don’t get any Mediainfo information but the binary dump of the files instead. Any idea what I am doing wrong? Thanks

  23. Karl says:

    Hi Liu Chao.
    Just found your cool plugin for looking up my .mkv-files.
    Really: I love it.
    Just two questions:
    – audio-stream language-info and
    – subtitle-info (number of subtitles, language) for .mkv isn’t available, isn’t it?
    Would be great to find it in a future version…

    Cheers, Karl

    • chaoliu12 says:

      I don’t enable all info that MediaInfo supported to make my plugin run faster. To enable extra info just change the leading 0 to 1 in Fields.txt in plugin folder.
      I just found out I don’t have any videos with subtitle. When I read the manual, found out these fields are the ones you need, StreamCount, StreamKind, StreamKind/String, StreamKindID, StreamKindPos, StreamOrder, TextCount and Language. But I didn’t include TextStream info, so only # of subtitle is available. Maybe I will include it in next update.

      • Karl says:

        little bit late: but I missed your reply completely…
        With your new version I got aware of yout post!
        And what to say: everything works great and I’m happy :-))
        Fantastic plugin!!! Keep on rollin….

        Cheers, Karl

  24. Ruediger says:

    What are the differences to the version from User “tbeu” at the official Total Commander forum, he put his source code in it, you don’t?
    And why you don’t post new versions in that forum oder the official portal ( )?

    • chaoliu12 says:

      Thank you let me know there is a similar one. I never use it, so I can’t say what is different. The purpose of writing this plugin is for myself only. Later, I found that it may benefit others, too. So I publish it. I feel is better place for plugin, so I publish there.

  25. Pasha says:

    No information on the *.m4a; *.ac3; *.wv files.

  26. goug says:

    I don’t know if it is the Plugin or TC
    but for a directory with an extension .mp3 you try to give informations

  27. tsch says:


    great plugin, works like a charm.

    Unfortunately not with mkv-Files. Do I need another plugin oder special settings/config?

    Kind regards

    • chaoliu12 says:

      I have a lot of mkv files. It doesn’t have any problem.
      go to [ContentPlugins] section of wincmd.ini and look for these two line
      look for the line # of MediaInfoWDX.wdx, Mine start with 1, then look for the line start with 1_detect. Those number must be matched; and they may not be next to each other.
      Make sure it contains EXT=”MKV” in the 2nd line that start with 1_detect

  28. Lrk says:

    Good plugin, but it doesn’t support XP and earliest versions of Windows. Reason – function GetDurationFormatEx.

  29. Alberto Casanova says:

    Hi! It works with pretty well with MP4 files as you can see here – But it wont do nothing with M2V files … anything to look for? Thanks.

  30. Doesn’t work on XP. TC says, while installing the plugin from the configuration panel, that it’s missing some DLLs on my system.

    Please tell us which DLL it’s trying to use, or include it in future versions.

    “XP is too old to support” is not an option. TC supports XP, so this plugin should, too.

  31. Can you add WebM and MKV to the default list of recognized extensions? Both have become pretty darn standard these days.

  32. Hans de Kort says:

    Great plugin, discovered it 1 week ago.
    With “Audio_Codec_List8General” I can see all audio channels
    Is it possible to get “Bitrate_Audio” ; “Channel(s)_Audio” and “Bitrate_mode_Audio” for Channel 2 or 3?
    Thanks a lot

    • chaoliu12 says:

      Yes. If you don’t see it probably it doesn’t turn on. Please go to plugin folder, then edit the Fields.txt. For example, for Bitrate_Audio, search Bitrate_Audio in Fields.txt. In the same line, change the first number 0 to 1. When I check mine, it is 1 already. If you have the same setting, then I need more information to find out why.

      • Hans says:

        Thanks for the quick reply. The “Show” values are at 1 without any problem.
        For example I have a MKV container with 2 audio streams.
        Stream 1=AAC 64kbps / 2 channels & Stream 2 =AC3 224kbps / 6channels
        “Audio_Codec_List_General” shows AAC LC / AC3
        My problem is that “Bitrate_Audio” indicates 64 and Channel(s) indicates 2.
        This means, I can get the values for the 1st stream, but not for the 2nd stream.

        Is there something I understood wrong? Thanks for an answer.
        Best regards.

      • chaoliu12 says:

        After review my code, I’ve hard coded to first stream only. I will update it in the future version.

      • Hans says:

        Great, you know when this new version is coming?
        Anyway, thanks for your reply.
        Best regards

      • chaoliu12 says:

        The new version is out. Please test it. You will need to edit Field.txt to make it work.

  33. pupvas says:

    Hi. Some notes about WinXP.
    MediaInfo is still support XP (
    It seems that MediaInfoWDX use function GetDurationFormatEx which is missing in WinXP KERNEL32.dll.
    Is it possible to make a build without GetDurationFormatEx? (modern Visual Studio still support compilation with XP compatibility.)

    • chaoliu12 says:

      The latest build is build with XP compatibility. But I don’t have XP to test.

      • pupvas says:

        TC says that it is impossible to install the plugin due to missing dll.
        I’ve look dependencies inside MediaInfoWDX.wdx through the fileinfo plugin, it indicates that there is the problem due to missing imported function in KERNEL32.dll.
        So I’ve ran import test which indicates that among 21 functions used from KERNEL32.dll the only one function “GetDurationFormatEx” is missed in the WinXP KERNEL32.dll (functions from other dlls are tested to be imported sucsessfully).

        So I guess that substituting GetDurationFormatEx for something XP compatible will make MediaInfoWDX to run on XP.

  34. chaoliu12 says:

    Thank you for the info. I changed it to other version, GetDurationFormat. And I’m working on the new version, which run much faster. Please download and test it.

    • pupvas says:

      Still not works on XP. GetDurationFormat is also Windows Vista+ only.
      Is it possible to use something like GetTimeFormat (without “ex”) instead of GetDurationFormat?

      • chaoliu12 says:

        Sorry I didn’t read the documentation carefully. I don’t find any replacement yet. Are you able to help me do some testing.
        1. Open MediaInfoWDX.cfg
        2. Look for every lines with ms|, with are the durations, and disable them, by changing first number to 0
        3. Look for Duration/String3_Video and Duration/String3_Audio, and enable them, by changing first number to 1.
        By doing this, it will not calling GetDurationFormat, instead, it will get the formatted string from MediaInfo directly.

  35. pupvas says:

    I installed to TC on win7 i386, edited Fields.cfg as described above (there was no MediaInfoWDX.cfg, so I also dublicated “Fields.cfg” to “MediaInfoWDX.cfg”).It worked ok.

    But on xpsp3 the plugin from this TC config wasn’t started (there were no fields provided by the plugin).

    Can you compile a test version (only MediaInfoWDX.wdx) without GetDurationFormatl code? Just to test whether GetDurationFormatl is the only problem and everything else is ok.

  36. pupvas says: installed on XP and works successfully. Plugins provides to TC all its fields.
    So the GetDurationFormatl is the only problem. Could it be substituded for GetTimeFormatA (as a workaround?
    GetTimeFormatA (which is XP compatible): “Formats time as a time string for a locale specified by identifier. The function formats either a specified time or the local system time.” So it seems that it could be used to format the duration time as well.

  37. chaoliu12 says:

    GetTimeFormat only support regular time format, it doesn’t support 70:00.
    I use swprintf_s instead, but it’ll limited to ms|h:mm:ss|mm:ss|m:ss|hh:mm:ss

  38. Oleg says:

    i can’t view Encoded_Application (Writing application) as custom column in Total Commander.
    i set starting 1 in line Encoded_Application. Nothing.
    tried rename Encoded_Application_General to Encoded_Application. Nothing.
    Please help.
    (64 bit,, MediaInfo 18.8.1)

    • chaoliu12 says:

      Which file did you change? It should be MediaInfoWDX.cfg in the same folder as wincmd.ini.
      I just tested it, it works.
      1 0 0 N 247 Encoded_Application ft_stringw 0 1 Encoded_Application_General

  39. Hello, I have a problem finding the field for Description_Tags of a mp4 media (video) file. Can you please help? It would make my life easier to organize them with tags. Please see this screenshot for an example: Thank you in advance and for making this great plugin.

  40. chaank says:

    Hello. I can see you have implemented a property “Video_Language_List_General”. It would be great also to have the properties “Audio_Language_List_General” and “Text_Language_List_General” to be able to list languages of various audio streams and subtitle streams of a media file (e.g. mkv). Great plugin by the way – very helpful up to this point! 🙂

  41. Martin Bell says:

    Dear Chao, great tool, but I miss the readout of the field “” in a .mov file, which is shown by MediaInfo 19.09. It contains the only valid date of creation, f.e. “2020-03-13T15:14:37+01:00” and would be so useful for multiple renaming function in Total Commander. Could you please add that field?

    • chaoliu12 says:

      Just put this line to end of MediaInfoWDX.cfg with notepad.

      1 0 0 N 0 ft_stringw 0 1 com_apple_quicktime_creationdate

      • Martin Bell says:

        I found no file MediaInfoWDX.cfg but Fields.cfg and added the proposed line at the end of it (delimiter between data is tab), but does not show up as an additional data variable to choose in multiple renaming function in Total Commander.

  42. chaoliu12 says:

    MediaInfoWDX.cfg is in the same location as wincmd.ini. Fields.cfg is the default settings, only for new installation. MediaInfoWDX.cfg or Fields.cfg is a tab delimiter file by default.

    • Martin Bell says:

      Thank you! Found c:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\GHISLER\MediaInfoWDX.cfg, and voila, it works! As mov / quicktime is a very popular format (f.e. iPhone movies) I wonder, why is this not part of the standard installation? Last question: Is there a way to parse date/time string “2020-03-13T15.34.33+01.00” and present substrings of date and time like in i.e. Y-M-D h.m.s and variations?

  43. chaoliu12 says:

    It is a vendor specify data, it doesn’t show on MediaInfo’s documents. I want to do the conversion too, but it will happen in the future version.

  44. Karl says:

    Hi Liu Chao
    After years of daily using your plugin, again a question:
    Does your plugin support the HDR_Format info?
    Cheers, Karl

  45. chaoliu12 says:

    Karl, Thank you for your support. I don’t have the sample file for testing. Would you check this website, If it supports, then my plugin should be.

    • Karl says:

      Great to hear from you!
      The actual Mediainfo (21.03) supports the detection – the HDR_Format Tag.
      Have a look at this JSON-style-ouput from MediaInfo:

      “@type”: “Video”,
      “StreamOrder”: “0”,
      “ID”: “1”,
      “UniqueID”: “1”,
      “Format”: “HEVC”,
      “Format_Profile”: “Main 10”,
      “Format_Level”: “5.1”,
      “Format_Tier”: “Main”,
      “HDR_Format”: “SMPTE ST 2094 App 4”,
      “HDR_Format_Version”: “1”,
      “HDR_Format_Compatibility”: “HDR10+ Profile B / HDR10”,
      “CodecID”: “V_MPEGH/ISO/HEVC”,
      “Duration”: “14549.008000000”,
      “BitRate”: “14521397”,
      “Width”: “3840”,
      “Height”: “2160”,

      compare with here:

      “@type”: “Video”,
      “StreamOrder”: “1”,
      “ID”: “1”,
      “Format”: “HEVC”,
      “Format_Profile”: “Main 10”,
      “Format_Level”: “5”,
      “Format_Tier”: “Main”,
      “HDR_Format”: “Dolby Vision”,
      “HDR_Format_Version”: “1.0”,
      “HDR_Format_Profile”: “dvhe.05”,
      “HDR_Format_Level”: “06”,
      “HDR_Format_Settings”: “BL+RPU”,
      “CodecID”: “dvhe”,
      “Duration”: “14528.055”,
      “BitRate”: “17957014”,
      “Width”: “3840”,
      “Height”: “2160”,

      As the changelog of MediaInfo shows, it seems to be a quite new feature:
      “Version 20.09, 2020-10-09
      + Dolby ED2: full featured support (presentations, presentation targets, beds, objects)
      + MKV: support of Dolby Vision metadata”
      So my question: where/how to edit the “MediaInfoWDX.cfg” to get the “HDR_Format_xxx” infos?
      Suppose I have to add some lines??

      Best regards, Karl

      • chaoliu12 says:

        Please add these lines to the end of MediaInfoWDX.cfg

        1	0	0	N	0	HDR_Format	ft_stringw	0	1	HDR_Format	
        1	0	0	N	0	HDR_Format/String	ft_stringw	0	1	HDR_Format/String	
        1	0	0	N	0	HDR_Format_Commercial	ft_stringw	0	1	HDR_Format_Commercial	
        1	0	0	N	0	HDR_Format_Version	ft_stringw	0	1	HDR_Format_Version	
        1	0	0	N	0	HDR_Format_Profile	ft_stringw	0	1	HDR_Format_Profile	
        1	0	0	N	0	HDR_Format_Level	ft_stringw	0	1	HDR_Format_Level	
        1	0	0	N	0	HDR_Format_Settings	ft_stringw	0	1	HDR_Format_Settings	
        1	0	0	N	0	HDR_Format_Compatibility	ft_stringw	0	1	HDR_Format_Compatibility	
  46. Karl says:

    Thx again!
    After adding the new lines at the end of the MediaInfoWDX.cfg and restarting TC – the new entries showed up.
    But – after adding the new entries (“Custom Columns”) – the new columns are all empty.
    May be the 5th column in MediaInfoWDX.cfg (info_t) should contain some values instead of “0”??
    And yes – the actual medianfo.dlls are in place!
    Cheers, Karl

    • chaoliu12 says:

      Carl, Thank you for the update. Since it is stable, I’ve made any changes for a long time. As I remembered, info_t column is deprecated. It is instead using info_name.

  47. pupkin says:

    Good afternoon, could you rebuild the plugin for Linux doublecomander?

  48. beb says:

    Could you, please, be so kind as to make an option/feature allowing a user to keep MediaInfoWDX.cfg within the plugin’s directory?
    MediaInfoWDX is the only one among my plugins collection which persistently places its .cfg next to the %commander_ini%.
    Thank you.

  49. chaoliu12 says:

    This is my respond for Jens Grohmann
    a) MediaInfoWDX with Windows 10, TC11.00b5 32bit crashes with:
    Crash in plugin MediaInfoWDX.wdx
    Access violation at address 745C2AD3. Read of address 000000000

    MediaInfoWDX with Windows 10, TC11.00b5 64bit crashes and closes TC
    without any message.

    -> I’m not able to replicate the error

    b) It would be nice if you could supply a MediaInfoWDX.sample.ini to your plugin so users could see all available settings

    -> Field.cfg in the plugin folder is the default configuration file. But it doesn’t contain all fields. Please download MediaInfo dll 7z/zip file, all supported fields are in Developers\List_Of_Parameters folder. Also check the readme.txt.

    c) it would be nice if you could change the plugin to support the possibility to NOT
    have mediainfo.dll in the plugin dir (ie with a setting like lib= and lib64=)

    -> maybe in the future version

  50. Jens Grohmann says:

    Sorry I somehow missed this Section the last time *facepalm*

    1. I still get a crash everytime:
    a) Cursor in TC on an avi file, CTRL+M -> [=?] PlugIn Button -> click on mediainfowdx
    b) Open Search, Plugins Page, more rules, choose mediainfowdx
    = both cases crash as described in my last comment

    I thought it might crash because of “1L:\” (cause I dont have a drive L:) but even changing that to “0T:\” or to “” doesnt change anything 😦
    MediaInfo & TCMediaInfoTC work just fine.

    2. I have read the readme file thats why I ask for MediaInfoWDX.cfg settings as your readme only states “Move MediaInfoWDX.cfg to the plugin folder, if you want the configuration file stay with the plugin.”

    3. IF you implement it please dont forget the %Commander_Path% support 🙂

  51. Jens Grohmann says:

    So, I figured out why your plugin crashes and it is totally YOUR fault 🙂

    Fields.cfg sould be called MediaInfoWDX.sample.cfg because thats what it is but theres no word about that in the readme!

    If MediaInfoWDX.cfg is empty (aka 0 byte) your plugin just crashes.
    So as you cant expect everyone to read through comments here please fix this.


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